Monday, October 31, 2011


Back to your inbox:"get a replica Rolex cheap ."As you scroll through one after the other ridiculous offer,your catches something different.
   "Before i start,i must first apologise for this unsolicited mail to you......My US client,his wife and children were involved in a ghastly motor accident on such-and-such road in Nigeria....My reason for contacting you is to repatriate my client's money back to his home country.We need to transfer money into your bank account..."The mail goes on to explain how there are millions of dollars that this chap needs to transfer to your bank account and how to do this he'll need your account details.You will,of course,be rewarded handsomely for your services.
  Identify theft has figured as a criminal activity since time immemorial.clever thieves have always found that the best way to avoid being caught is to disguise themselves as someone else.and while they are impersonating.No one needs to be told how valuable one's credit card and bank account details are.But with more and more people using the internet for online transactions,there is a lot of personal information being shared with a host of companies.Spammers have found an effective way to cash in on this confidence to disclose one's personal information to legitimate sources-PHISHING
       Phishing is essentially a clever and illegal method used by"phishers"to extract personal information about internet users.This personal information may be in terms of credit card numbers,bank account details,passwords,and such.
   What phishers use is a technique called social engineering.basically,this means phishers know that people trust the word of someone who seems trustworthy.a phisher is thus able to gain the confidence of an individual by posing as someone from a seemingly trustworthy source.then,the phisher makes the person disclose personal information about himself,and then uses it to his benefit.
         However,phishers don't have to be that straightforward and in-your-face to gain the confidence of unsuspecting individuals.many phishers pose as a administrators of websites and request users to send in their passwords.other pose as bank executives and ask for your credit card details so you can reactivate your account,or something of that nature.
    A good example of phishing in recent times has been the paypal phishers.paypal(now under ebay)is an online transaction system.phishers have posted as paypal executives and requested people to disclose vital bank information.



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