Monday, October 31, 2011


  Some of  us just remember our passwords ,even if they're as ridiculously uncrackable as "gb65endox",and even if  there are many of them to remember.Some of  us are naive enough to use passwords like "azsxdc", and have trouble remembering even  those! If you fall in the second category, forget it-someone's going to steal your data soon enough.No,seriously,what one needs is good, strong passwords,and password management software to keep them safe.
                                          A "strong" password is one that has a sufficient number of  characters-some say  anything over eight will do-and a mix of lower-case,upper-case,and special characters.On top of that,there's the issue of multiple passwords:if you set the same password for everything,there could be a problem.What if your Windows XP and your Gmail password are the same,and a friend of yours want to access your machine?
And then what if you gave him the password to your machine,and he went ahead and tried it on your gmail account as well?Multiple passwords are,therefore,important.And it's tough to remember multiple strong passwords-and that's where password management software come in,like we said.
   These are again a dime a dozen but they're not all bad.Again,i'am making no recommendations,and are just providing an example:for $19095 you can purchase TK8 safe,a relatively simple software,from
  With TK8,you can keep all usernames,passwords,secret notes and serial numbers in one secured database file.The file is,naturally.encrypted.
   You can use folders in your files to group information.In addition,you can log into password-protected Webpages automatically,The password file can be locked,and even if you forget to lock the file,the program does this automatically after it's inused for some time

Advanced options include multi-user support,additional  encryption methods,and automatic password backups.You can run the program directly fro removable media like USB stricks.This means you can literally carry all your passwords in your pocket.
                                                         Now, we didn't intend this to be an ad for TKS;our intention here is to tell you all that a password manager can do for you.More advanced software simply have more frills.


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