Sunday, November 20, 2011

WHAT IS C++?????????

All of us may have heard about C++.It is one of the high level language in computer language.For the beginners it will be so tough but as time passes it will be the easiest.So here iam giving all the beginners of C++ a rough idea about it.

As the image indicate it is so hot and imbibing it in your brain takes a long process.
C++ is an english like language,so all the programmers can understand the language when read.So called as high level language(HLL).It is pronounced as C plus plus.It was developed in the bell laboratories of AT&T in the early 1980s by Bjarne strouustrup.It is quite a successor of C language and contains some of the features of Simula67 which was the favourite language of Bjarne.
1)When you are studying a language the first is to study the alphabets in that language.Like that C++ also have alphabets.This alphabets are collectively known as CHARACTER SET.The characters in this set are only recognised by the language.
Character set is divided into 5 types
They are
  • Letters:A to Z,a to z
  • Digits:0 to 9
  • Special characters:+,-,*,/,^,(),{},[],=,!,<>,.,`," etc
  • White spaces:Space bar,horizontal tab,carriage return.
  • Other characters:Non-Graphic symbols and ASCII characters.
2)Tokens:When studying languages like english,chinese,french we used study words after studying alphabets.Like that C++ also has got words which is called Tokens.Tokens are the smallest indivitual unit in C++.
Tokens are divided into 5
  • keywords
  • identifiers
  • literals
  • punctuators
  • operators
These are the basic of C++.
C++ is written in Turbo C++.

For downloading turbo C++
All the C++ program starts with header files;for example #include<iostream.h>



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