Saturday, December 31, 2011


  Iam here to provide you some websites which will be useful to a great extent.Try it!!

You all might have heard about youtube.Youtube is the most useful website which provides you videos of all kind.So if you want to download videos from youtube you can use this website.From this you can convert video files into any format and download.
This is a website which will provide you experts of various category.You can ask your doubts and questions to any expert.And if you are an expert in any of the field you too can join in the website.The site will be a useful one.I guaranty it!
Virus!The word itself suggest a danger in it.All are behind antivirus software to get rid of virus.So this website provides you a great service that is you can scan a file or software with 44 antivirus software.Don't wonder?Just visit!The only demerit is that you can just upload a maximum size of 20MB.

Friday, December 23, 2011


         Do you know were the IT & networking magnets had really born.For instance Google,Apple,HP,ebay,amazon,Microsoft,Facebook,Cisco,Linkedin,Monster,etc are now the pulse of IT field and these leading companies had a great past history.Here in this article iam here to share with you all the past histories of these companies.

Apple was established during 1976-april-1 at california.The company got the name as apple during 2007.Do you really know where this company had started their long journey,the reality is that they started it from the garage of Steve jobs at Los Altos in 1976.Wonder stuck isn't it,When i heard for the first i was also stucked.Now Apple company had grown to a great height which we cannot express in words.Now approximately Apple has got 284 branches and 35000 employees in California.
Garrage of Steve Jobs
  • HP
Hp was established by two friends namely Bill Hewlett and David Packard in 1939.The full form of Hp is Hewlett Packard.The company really born in a garage at Palo Alto and the first product of the company is an audio oscillator and the One of HP's first customers was Walt Disney Studios, which purchased eight oscillators to develop and test an innovative sound system for the movie Fantasia.Now the garage is a museum.

  • EBAY
All might have heard and used ebay.Ebay is an online company which is used for Buying and Selling products and it is an american based company.ebay was founded in Pierre Omidyar's San Jose living room back in September 1995.It was from the start meant to be a marketplace for the sale of goods and services for individuals.

Amazon was one of the first big companies to sell goods over the Internet .  The company was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, and launched in 1995. They started out as an online bookstore and then quickly diversified by adding other items, such as VHS tapes and DVDs, music CDs, software , video games, electronics, MP3s, clothing, furniture, toys and even food items.It has got a name that "The largest online retailer".

When hear just a word "Search" the first thing we remember is google.Google had a great impact on Human mind and no one can take their place.Google was established in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and its first office was a garage.Now its headquarters is in Mountain view at California.

Google Headquarters

Monday, December 19, 2011


    Kind attention please!!This is to make you notice about a virus namely I LOVE YOU.Sounds good but it works so badly.If our computer is in the attack of this virus we will be having a tough time.

If you receive email with a subject line with the phrase ILOVEYOU (all one word, no spaces) in it� DON'T OPEN the attachment named Love-Letter-For-You.txt.vbs.
Over a five-hour period, during May 4, 2000, this virus spread across Asia, Europe and the United States via e-mail messages titled "ILOVEYOU." The menace clogged Web servers, overwrote personal files and caused corporate IT managers to shut down e-mail systems.
A scan of the Visual Basic code included in the attachment reveals that the virus may be corrupting MP3 and JPEG files on users' hard drives, as well as mIRC, a version of Internet Relay Chat. It also appears to reset the default start page for Internet Explorer.
This virus arrives as e-mail with the subject line "I Love You" and an attachment named "Love-Letter-For-You.txt.vbs." Opening the attachment infects your computer. The infection first scans your PC's memory for passwords, which are sent back to the virus's creator (a Web site in the Philippines which has since been shut down). The infection then replicates itself to everyone in your Outlook address book. Finally, the infection corrupts files ending with .vbs, .vbe, .js, .css, .wsh, .sct, .hta, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp2, .mp3 by overwriting them with a copy of itself.
You can get this bug in only one way. If you receive an email with an attachment with the name Love-Letter-For-You.txt.vbs and you execute it, by double clicking on the attachment, you will get infected. Don't execute it, just delete it and you will be fine. 
So be consious on Valentines day.You will be have a lot of love letters in your mail box.But think about this!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


  You may be heard about this technique.It's true that we can use a pendrive as a RAM.RAM-random access memory,it increases the speed of your computer.So all prefer to have RAM's of higher memory,but it is comparatively costlier.So we can make use of software like eboostr.exe to boost speed of your computer.This helps you to increase the speed by making pendrive or a part of your hard disk as a pendrive.If we increase the size of RAM,simultaneously our operations also will be having high speed.
    To download the free version of eboostr.exe check out downloading you can use your pendrive much more usefully.Pendrive as a great memory device and now as a RAM!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


   Ooh!!!It's really exhausting.Why is this damn network not responding.These are some of the thoughts while our network connection is very slow.Everyone likes to access internet in a better way which can be termed as high speed.High speed offers a better web surfing.So every one stick to broadband connection.Broadband connection are much costlier than dial up connection.But even if we use Broadband there we use broadband connection there will be decrease in speed.I had a great experience in these situation.So here are some tips to get rid of these problems.TRY IT!!!
  First of all a broadband user must find the speed of his connection.He may be given many words by his distributer.But the truth is that we will never get such speed.So don't trust on advertisement.I uses BSNL broadband connection.When i switch on my PC the first thing i could notice is "your network is connected at 100 mbps.Very proudly i would say to my friends that my network is having a speed of 100 mbps.One of my friend namely manjunath opened my eyes.He told me that it is just fake.Test your speed at i noticed that the speed is too low from what they had mentioned.
 Don't use telephone extension cables to connect your modem or router.Because if we are using a low quality cable it may reduce the speed of broadband.So it is better to use ethernet cables to connect your router to the PC.If you are using extension cables try to use high quality.If any turns and wounds are there it may decrease the speed.

If there are too many background applications working at a time it will decrease the speed of your PC as well as your broadband.So it is better to close all background applications.And browser tabs too decrease the speed.So avoid running too many of tabs on your browser window.
Virus attack too can decrease your broadband speed.It is better to update your antivirus software.Virus can totally destroy your connection.
Most of us will be using wireless broadband connection.It is better to provide a password for your router.So that none from outside can use your connection.One of my friend is still using Broadband by means of a neighborhood connection.So they may not be knowing about this.And if some one uses your connection and if connection is not an unlimited plan your monthly payment too may increase.And this decrease your connection speed.So try to secure your device by passwords.
If your phone is connected to more than one device for example to a fax machine,it may decrease your broadband speed.So it is better to use microfilters.
In case if the above mentioned tips are not cause of your low speed the problem may lie on your modem.Use high quality modem for broadband connection.
Some times electrical device may obstruct the speed of your connection.So it is better not to place your modem near any electric motors or other such devices.


Sunday, December 4, 2011


    Notepad!!You could have heard about it.Notepad can be used for many purposes.Here are some tricks and tips to make notepad a much more useful to you.

You all might be writing personal notes on your personal diary.But this is a time taking job and so we can use notepad as a personal diary.For that
  1. Open notepad(start->programs->accessories->notepad)
  2. Then type .LOG
  3. Save this by giving a name for the file.
  4. Then open it
  5. You could see the time and date
  6. Type your personal notes in this
  7. save it
  8. You can use like this in the future too

 You all might have heard about world trade center attack.This attack was by a collision of a bomber plane,you could have also noted the number too(Q33N).
To see that attack digitally on your notepad window
  1. Open notepad
  2. type Q33N
  3. Save it
  4. Open that file
  5. Go to format and take font
  6. IN this take wingdings and take 72 font size
  7. After this you could see the attack on your screen

Friday, December 2, 2011


          I was just surfing in the web.That time while i open many websites most of them were having .COM as their domain.So i thought of starting an investigation about this.I referred somany sources and i was shock to hear the news the .COM domains has increased to 100 million.So actually what happened,is that in your mind??So here is a detailed description what had actually happened.

All the days there is an increase in no of websites and so there is an increase in .COM domains..COM domain is the most popular domain available.Nowadays other domains than .COM domain are available,but a study on this has proved that .COM domain is almost 45% of the total domain used.Now .COM domain is around 98 million but within months it will lead to 100 million..COM domain registration started at 1985.There was only 6 .COM domains in 1985, then it increased to 9005 in 1995 then to 21 million in 2005,then it increased to 61 million and then to 91 million in 2010..COM can be given to blogs,wordpress by paying money yearly.This increases traffic.

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