Saturday, December 31, 2011


  Iam here to provide you some websites which will be useful to a great extent.Try it!!

You all might have heard about youtube.Youtube is the most useful website which provides you videos of all kind.So if you want to download videos from youtube you can use this website.From this you can convert video files into any format and download.
This is a website which will provide you experts of various category.You can ask your doubts and questions to any expert.And if you are an expert in any of the field you too can join in the website.The site will be a useful one.I guaranty it!
Virus!The word itself suggest a danger in it.All are behind antivirus software to get rid of virus.So this website provides you a great service that is you can scan a file or software with 44 antivirus software.Don't wonder?Just visit!The only demerit is that you can just upload a maximum size of 20MB.

Friday, December 23, 2011


         Do you know were the IT & networking magnets had really born.For instance Google,Apple,HP,ebay,amazon,Microsoft,Facebook,Cisco,Linkedin,Monster,etc are now the pulse of IT field and these leading companies had a great past history.Here in this article iam here to share with you all the past histories of these companies.

Apple was established during 1976-april-1 at california.The company got the name as apple during 2007.Do you really know where this company had started their long journey,the reality is that they started it from the garage of Steve jobs at Los Altos in 1976.Wonder stuck isn't it,When i heard for the first i was also stucked.Now Apple company had grown to a great height which we cannot express in words.Now approximately Apple has got 284 branches and 35000 employees in California.
Garrage of Steve Jobs
  • HP
Hp was established by two friends namely Bill Hewlett and David Packard in 1939.The full form of Hp is Hewlett Packard.The company really born in a garage at Palo Alto and the first product of the company is an audio oscillator and the One of HP's first customers was Walt Disney Studios, which purchased eight oscillators to develop and test an innovative sound system for the movie Fantasia.Now the garage is a museum.

  • EBAY
All might have heard and used ebay.Ebay is an online company which is used for Buying and Selling products and it is an american based company.ebay was founded in Pierre Omidyar's San Jose living room back in September 1995.It was from the start meant to be a marketplace for the sale of goods and services for individuals.

Amazon was one of the first big companies to sell goods over the Internet .  The company was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, and launched in 1995. They started out as an online bookstore and then quickly diversified by adding other items, such as VHS tapes and DVDs, music CDs, software , video games, electronics, MP3s, clothing, furniture, toys and even food items.It has got a name that "The largest online retailer".

When hear just a word "Search" the first thing we remember is google.Google had a great impact on Human mind and no one can take their place.Google was established in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and its first office was a garage.Now its headquarters is in Mountain view at California.

Google Headquarters

Monday, December 19, 2011


    Kind attention please!!This is to make you notice about a virus namely I LOVE YOU.Sounds good but it works so badly.If our computer is in the attack of this virus we will be having a tough time.

If you receive email with a subject line with the phrase ILOVEYOU (all one word, no spaces) in it� DON'T OPEN the attachment named Love-Letter-For-You.txt.vbs.
Over a five-hour period, during May 4, 2000, this virus spread across Asia, Europe and the United States via e-mail messages titled "ILOVEYOU." The menace clogged Web servers, overwrote personal files and caused corporate IT managers to shut down e-mail systems.
A scan of the Visual Basic code included in the attachment reveals that the virus may be corrupting MP3 and JPEG files on users' hard drives, as well as mIRC, a version of Internet Relay Chat. It also appears to reset the default start page for Internet Explorer.
This virus arrives as e-mail with the subject line "I Love You" and an attachment named "Love-Letter-For-You.txt.vbs." Opening the attachment infects your computer. The infection first scans your PC's memory for passwords, which are sent back to the virus's creator (a Web site in the Philippines which has since been shut down). The infection then replicates itself to everyone in your Outlook address book. Finally, the infection corrupts files ending with .vbs, .vbe, .js, .css, .wsh, .sct, .hta, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp2, .mp3 by overwriting them with a copy of itself.
You can get this bug in only one way. If you receive an email with an attachment with the name Love-Letter-For-You.txt.vbs and you execute it, by double clicking on the attachment, you will get infected. Don't execute it, just delete it and you will be fine. 
So be consious on Valentines day.You will be have a lot of love letters in your mail box.But think about this!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


  You may be heard about this technique.It's true that we can use a pendrive as a RAM.RAM-random access memory,it increases the speed of your computer.So all prefer to have RAM's of higher memory,but it is comparatively costlier.So we can make use of software like eboostr.exe to boost speed of your computer.This helps you to increase the speed by making pendrive or a part of your hard disk as a pendrive.If we increase the size of RAM,simultaneously our operations also will be having high speed.
    To download the free version of eboostr.exe check out downloading you can use your pendrive much more usefully.Pendrive as a great memory device and now as a RAM!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


   Ooh!!!It's really exhausting.Why is this damn network not responding.These are some of the thoughts while our network connection is very slow.Everyone likes to access internet in a better way which can be termed as high speed.High speed offers a better web surfing.So every one stick to broadband connection.Broadband connection are much costlier than dial up connection.But even if we use Broadband there we use broadband connection there will be decrease in speed.I had a great experience in these situation.So here are some tips to get rid of these problems.TRY IT!!!
  First of all a broadband user must find the speed of his connection.He may be given many words by his distributer.But the truth is that we will never get such speed.So don't trust on advertisement.I uses BSNL broadband connection.When i switch on my PC the first thing i could notice is "your network is connected at 100 mbps.Very proudly i would say to my friends that my network is having a speed of 100 mbps.One of my friend namely manjunath opened my eyes.He told me that it is just fake.Test your speed at i noticed that the speed is too low from what they had mentioned.
 Don't use telephone extension cables to connect your modem or router.Because if we are using a low quality cable it may reduce the speed of broadband.So it is better to use ethernet cables to connect your router to the PC.If you are using extension cables try to use high quality.If any turns and wounds are there it may decrease the speed.

If there are too many background applications working at a time it will decrease the speed of your PC as well as your broadband.So it is better to close all background applications.And browser tabs too decrease the speed.So avoid running too many of tabs on your browser window.
Virus attack too can decrease your broadband speed.It is better to update your antivirus software.Virus can totally destroy your connection.
Most of us will be using wireless broadband connection.It is better to provide a password for your router.So that none from outside can use your connection.One of my friend is still using Broadband by means of a neighborhood connection.So they may not be knowing about this.And if some one uses your connection and if connection is not an unlimited plan your monthly payment too may increase.And this decrease your connection speed.So try to secure your device by passwords.
If your phone is connected to more than one device for example to a fax machine,it may decrease your broadband speed.So it is better to use microfilters.
In case if the above mentioned tips are not cause of your low speed the problem may lie on your modem.Use high quality modem for broadband connection.
Some times electrical device may obstruct the speed of your connection.So it is better not to place your modem near any electric motors or other such devices.


Sunday, December 4, 2011


    Notepad!!You could have heard about it.Notepad can be used for many purposes.Here are some tricks and tips to make notepad a much more useful to you.

You all might be writing personal notes on your personal diary.But this is a time taking job and so we can use notepad as a personal diary.For that
  1. Open notepad(start->programs->accessories->notepad)
  2. Then type .LOG
  3. Save this by giving a name for the file.
  4. Then open it
  5. You could see the time and date
  6. Type your personal notes in this
  7. save it
  8. You can use like this in the future too

 You all might have heard about world trade center attack.This attack was by a collision of a bomber plane,you could have also noted the number too(Q33N).
To see that attack digitally on your notepad window
  1. Open notepad
  2. type Q33N
  3. Save it
  4. Open that file
  5. Go to format and take font
  6. IN this take wingdings and take 72 font size
  7. After this you could see the attack on your screen

Friday, December 2, 2011


          I was just surfing in the web.That time while i open many websites most of them were having .COM as their domain.So i thought of starting an investigation about this.I referred somany sources and i was shock to hear the news the .COM domains has increased to 100 million.So actually what happened,is that in your mind??So here is a detailed description what had actually happened.

All the days there is an increase in no of websites and so there is an increase in .COM domains..COM domain is the most popular domain available.Nowadays other domains than .COM domain are available,but a study on this has proved that .COM domain is almost 45% of the total domain used.Now .COM domain is around 98 million but within months it will lead to 100 million..COM domain registration started at 1985.There was only 6 .COM domains in 1985, then it increased to 9005 in 1995 then to 21 million in 2005,then it increased to 61 million and then to 91 million in 2010..COM can be given to blogs,wordpress by paying money yearly.This increases traffic.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



I was thinking about my next post.That time I remembered my condition when i started blogging.I had no idea what i was doing,but my friends had told me that by blogging we can make money out of it.I started working day and night.Will we all get dollars out of blogging???Big question isn't it?But the reality is that we can make money.Here are some tips to be a good blogger.Follow it,TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!

   The first &foremost criteria is to select  a topic for your blog.It is important that you must be in touch with the topic you have selected.The best thing is having a general topic.So that you can post about anything.I also selected general as my topic.I used to post about new gadgets in the market,Tutorials,big questions,tips,& about technology rather my blog name is TECHPEEKER.If you have any profession you can make your topic as your profession.For example if you are a bank officer,lot of people may be coming to know about many current rating of somany things.You can post these in your blog and Iam sure you will be having a great time in blogging.

    After selecting a topic start writing post.You should aim at approval of adsense.You must post atleast one article per day.And by course of time you must start search in the google by giving your name as the keyword.And thus google notes you& they introduce you to the world.

   You must notice your alexa rank daily.While we start blogging we will not be having ranks(no rank).How to know alexa rank isn't it???For that go to and install alexa toolbar.There we can see the rank as #********.After this we must try to decrease the alexa rank.Alexa rank depends upon traffic(visitors).


 What is adsense??Adsense is the source by which we will earn dollars.After an active 6 months work submit your blog at\adsense.By the course of time they will send you mails.Some time it will not be approved.If you got approval then they will be giving you some codes and by this you will be having Google ads on your blog.Wonderful isn't it??Yes its wonderful to hear but it is difficult to get approved by google.So a good work is needed in order to get approved by Google.If you start earning you also can give advertisements about your website.The first and foremost criteria to do when you start earn is change your domain.This increases traffic.To increase the traffic you can utilize social networks.Social networks are not just for chatting but  they can be instead used as to advertise your website without giving money.You can make pages on google plus,facebook etc and you also can tell your friends to visit your website.When your income from ads becomes $100 the first check from google will reach your home.Happy isn't it??For that try to make your blog attractive and informative.
If you try to cheat google your adsense account will be disabled.For example,if you who have ads itself click on ads of your blog the adsense account will be disabled.Be patient in what you are doing.
   The most successful bloggers,which we see today was happened only because of their hardwork and patience.Trust yourself and be confident in what you are doing.

These are some of the important points to be remembered while blogging.


         The world famous company of PC peripheral manufactures Genius has introduced NX-ELITE for notebooks.It can change into 7 colours of rainbow the "VIBGYOR".It suites both right handed and left handed people,its the most noted change in this tiny mouse.The colour change is due to the LED inside it.It has only 50g weight.It has got 1200dpi optical sensor.So this increases accuracy of the mouse.
  • 3 year warranty
  • PRICE:RS612


               Iball melody bar is a slim portable speaker model.The iball has given a word with all customers that it is a great gadget for laptop users.It can provide high quality sound which can be connected by USB cables.This can be clipped on the laptop or can be kept on the table by fixing a base stand.This is the most usefulness of this speaker.Audio and power can be given through a single USB cable this is the another merit of this.


Its shape is different from all other speakers and is giving a new look to your system.Experience the new technology.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


          YES its a fact real fact the most tiny camera which we can keep in our fingertips.Sounds weird but its a fact.It,s the world smallest camera introduced ever.By seeing its tiny but it have almost every functions as such the other cameras does.Hammacher Schlemmer now sells it for $100.It is 1.125 long,1 inch wide and 1.062 inches deep.It weighs almost half ounce.It has got a resolution of 2 mega pixel(MP).With a resolution of 640*480 videos can be taken.In this camera 2GB micro SD card is included.And it can be connected to the PC.
    OH!It's alarming so many because it can be used for spy works.So use this for good purposes.


        You may be wondering what's this.Yes its true but it sounds crazy.Nowadays USB FLASH DRIVE is available in the market with its body as Micheal Jackson.It has got a storage capacity of 4GB.This storage device is dedicated to all Micheal Jackson Fans.So the king of Pop is now king of data storage.It worth $20.

We can detatch the body of this from the hip and we can use it.Almost all songs of Micheal Jackson can be stored in this.Collect these coolest and craziest gadgets.


       Apple inc has introduced a magic mouse which is the world's first multi touch mouse.It's just available         for RS3700.You may be thinking of apple with a mouse.Yes it's true.First of all apple came with iphone,then touch ipod,then macbook pro and after that this "THE MAGIC MOUSE".This mouse is wireless and works with touches from our fingertips.It can paired to the mac by bluetooth connection.

You can get magic mouse with mac.When you use magic mouse with apple wireless keyboard you will get a good look to your work area.You can on and off it so that the battery can be safed.



          Most of the people in the world is fear of being online due to increasing threats and virus attack.Almost every has got good protection for their computer.Whether you have got a good anti virus system,firewall or anti spyware we cannot ensure a 100% safety from all attacks.Programmers are developing viruses which can attack almost every anti virus software.So this article is to give some measures to ensure a better safeness while we are online.
By clicking mail links we can easily go and visit the particular website or something else.But before clicking this think once that is this site safe to visit.If the link is 100% safe then click and visit.Else we may be in the trap of some dangerous virus.
For testing e-mails the best thing to do is install pop tray tool.It check whole e-mail and gives us a preview about it.If you don't want to install pop tray just delete what ever e-mails are nasty for you.

Before entering to a website if you check that site it can help you to increase online safeness.By installing the plugin of WEB OF TRUST in any of your browser you can ensure safeness.

Using a good browser can ensure online safeness to an extent.So i suggest you to use web browsers such as mozilla firefox,google chrome,internet explorer,opera etc.

Most of us will be having lots of membership in lots of websites.So it is difficult to think and remember about the passwords which belongs to this website(not specified).So for that we can use a software namely KEE PASS.And for this software we can make a good password and all other passwords can be securely saved in the software.So that we only want to remember only one password.It is very much danger to have same passwords for all of your membership.This is because if something is hacked totally will be hacked.So remember to have a software like KEE PASS

Friday, November 25, 2011


 The developer of C language Dennis Ritchie(70) passed away.He is the developer the world famous C programming language and unix operating system.The death of Steve Jobs was a lost to the current generation and within a few months another death too happened,these are some shocks to the current generation.
    In the field of computer and internet he has given a lot of contributions which words cannot explain.In the early 1970 Dennis Ritchie developed C programming language which is now also used worldwide as an HLL.In the end of 1960s he and his partner Ken Thomson developed the unix Operating system at the bell laboratory.The Linux which we see today is an upgrade form of Unix.Now C++ has developed from C language.In short Dennis Ritchie has played a great role in developing a foundation to every computer field

                       BORN :September 9,1941
                       DIED  :October 12,2011


Thursday, November 24, 2011


          OOH! Its really exhausting.The battery is off(no charge).These are the commonly used sentences while the battery of our set is in short of charge. Sometimes the battery charge goes while we are in need of using it.It is really absurd.So we must save the battery charge for the future else at time of need we will not be able to use it.The new mobiles arriving at markets have a long lasting battery if we minimize the use.The modern battery made of lithium and iron can remain for days in stand by mode.
So how to save battery charge??Here are some tips and tricks!!!!!!!
Today the most popular facility is 3G.It increases the speed of browsing.So the latest mobiles have got these facilities.So while we are not using 3G we can turn off it.3G uses more charge and so we can use GPRS and EDGE systems for browsing.

If WI-FI is not using at time it is better to turn off.WI-FI utilizes more charge

Vibrating mode is a good facility.If we are in a library or in a conference or at prayer time we can switch on the vibrating mode.But vibrating mode needs so much charge.So when we are out of such situations turn off vibrating mode.Then also we can also decrease the volume of the ringtone.

Screen brightness increases our passion towards mobile.But it needs a high charge,so we can decrease the brightness to a limit at which we can see the things at an instant.

Live screen is so beautiful to see,means animated wallpapers,screen savers.But we are not thinking of the charge it needs.So it is better to use simple wallpapers.

It is better to remove unwanted and unused applications.If we are running an application and closing it by using end key,it will not be closed.It will be running in the background.In order to close it we must press the menu key for a while,then we can close such applications.

Gaming too needs high battery charge.Also by playing games the screen will become dim and sometimes we cannot close it.Hearing music too needs high battery charge.

Use your mobile while there is network coverage else it may leads to loss of battery charge.

If these steps are followed you can minimize the loss of battery charge to a great extent.



     Microsoft in touch with samsung mobile company has developed a new modern computer known as THE SURFACE COMPUTER.This is in the shape of a table.It can be also called as a touch table.It has got a touch screen which can respond to 52 touches at a time

It was actually developed in 2008 but commercially it is launching at 2012 as SU-R40(model).This tabled shape computer can be also placed at the wall too.This is giving a great hope to the educational sector and business field since it can be used in classroom or in conference hall.23 countries have pre-ordered this through website of samsung.Users can interact with the surface computer by touching or dragging using their finger tips.The main advantage of surface computer is that it can sense almost every humans movements.It has exactly got a tables look.
  • 4 inches thin
  • 2.0 GHz core 2 Duo processor
  • 5 infrared cameras
  • The screen is around 40 inches
  • 360 degree user interface

  The price of this wonder table is 8400$ only.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

WHAT IS C++?????????

All of us may have heard about C++.It is one of the high level language in computer language.For the beginners it will be so tough but as time passes it will be the easiest.So here iam giving all the beginners of C++ a rough idea about it.

As the image indicate it is so hot and imbibing it in your brain takes a long process.
C++ is an english like language,so all the programmers can understand the language when read.So called as high level language(HLL).It is pronounced as C plus plus.It was developed in the bell laboratories of AT&T in the early 1980s by Bjarne strouustrup.It is quite a successor of C language and contains some of the features of Simula67 which was the favourite language of Bjarne.
1)When you are studying a language the first is to study the alphabets in that language.Like that C++ also have alphabets.This alphabets are collectively known as CHARACTER SET.The characters in this set are only recognised by the language.
Character set is divided into 5 types
They are
  • Letters:A to Z,a to z
  • Digits:0 to 9
  • Special characters:+,-,*,/,^,(),{},[],=,!,<>,.,`," etc
  • White spaces:Space bar,horizontal tab,carriage return.
  • Other characters:Non-Graphic symbols and ASCII characters.
2)Tokens:When studying languages like english,chinese,french we used study words after studying alphabets.Like that C++ also has got words which is called Tokens.Tokens are the smallest indivitual unit in C++.
Tokens are divided into 5
  • keywords
  • identifiers
  • literals
  • punctuators
  • operators
These are the basic of C++.
C++ is written in Turbo C++.

For downloading turbo C++
All the C++ program starts with header files;for example #include<iostream.h>


Friday, November 18, 2011


You all may have heard about apple iphone 4s.this is the second last product of apple inc.the latest product of apple is apple iphone 5.What exactly is apple iphone 4s:it is a "touchscreen slate smart phone".it is the 5th generation of the iphone,a device that combine a widescreen ipod with a touchscreen,mobile phone,and internet is similar to apple iphone 4 in its exterior design,but improved hardware specifications and software updates compared to apple iphone 4.
Through apple iphone 4s apple introduces a new user interface and functions.The highlight includes voice recognizing and talking assistant siri(an intelligent software assistant and knowledge navigator)and camera is super(8 mp).The bands on the iphone 4s are divided into a antennas:cellular,bluetooth,GPS,WI-FI. The iphone 4s have said to have 200 hours stand by time,8 hours talk time in 3G,14 hours talk time on 2G,6 hours 3G browsing and 9 hours WI-FI browsing. The iphone 4S has dual core apple A5 processor,it has 512 MB RAM.Maximum storage capacity is 64 GB. The internel part is synthetic rubber with external band made of plastic.
                                         These are some of the models of apple 4s.

The price ranges around 50,000 in india.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


  The web browser is your portal to the big bad world that is the internet.It's also the easiest way a hacker,spammer,or phisher can attack your computer.An unsecure browser therefore means that the door is open for those with malicious intent to get into your computer,all guns blazing.
    Part of the problem is that some websites have content that can only be viewed if you install additional software,which puts your computer at further risk of attack.But before we go into how you can effectively secure your browser,let's take a look at what features hackers are looking to exploit

   Why you need to know what you're doing with your browser is that you could inadvertently install a feature that makes it less secure.
         Here's look at the common features that web browsers have to view content on the internet.These are common across almost all browsers.
  • ACTIVEX:A technology used by microsoft IE.It allows different applications,or parts of applications,that you have installed on your computer to be accessed by your browser to display content.These applications may already be in your computer,or they may have to be downloaded.This is where the security threat comes in,because if the ActiveX controls aren't properly implemented,your computer will become seriously vulnerable.
  • JAVA:A language used to develop content for,among other things,websites.Content in this case is interactive,wherein there is usually some input from the user.The java Virtual Machine is used to view Java applet on sites.If you have come across java content and it played in your browser,you have the JVM installed.
  • ACTIVE CONTENT:This is generally enabled by plugins installed on your browser to view interactive or dynamic content such as videos and animations.An example is the Macromedia Flash plugin,which allows you to watch Flash animations.
  • JAVASCRIPT:A language used to develop active content for websites.For example,Javascript programs certain images on Webpages to change into other images as the mouse cursor is moved over them.
  • COOKIES:Text files on your computer that store data used by Websites.Cookies can contain any form of information that the Websites have designed for them.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Bluetooth is great..You can snap pictures,take video clips with your camera phone,transfer it to your laptop,or beam across to a friend's mobile.However,if you do not secure Bluetooth access on your phone,it is easily "discoverable" by other Bluetooth devices in the immediate vicinity.A person with a Bluetooth enabled device can send you unsolicited messages,transfer viruses and worms to your phone,or even gain access and steal your personal data and/or corrupt it.An experienced Bluetooth hacker can gain access to your mobile phone calls,send expensive international SMS messages,write entries into your phonebook,eavesdrop on your conversations,and even gain access to the internet.
    Bluetooth criminals are known to roam neighbourhoods with powerful Bluuetooth detectors that search for Bluetooth detectors that search for Bluetooth enabled cell phones,PDAs,and laptops.They are known to fit laptops with powerful antennas that can pick up Bluetooth devices from with-in a range of 800 metres!!The latest tactic is to force Bluetooth devices in hidden mode to pair with the attacker's device.This,however,is very labour-intensive,and is most often used against known targets who have large bank accounts or expensive secrets.
  Almost all cases of bluetooth attacks are a result of improper setup of the bluetooth device.In most cases,Bluetooth devices are configured at security level 1,where there is no encryption or authentication.This enables the attacker to request information from the device that will be helpful in stealing it.
    Once stolen,not only is the data on the device compromised,it will also compromise the data on all devices trusted by it.This can then be used to eavesdrop on conversations between other devices.
        Additionally,bluetooth uses the service discovery protocol(SPD)to determine what services are offered by what devices in range.Attackers can use this information to launch service-specific attacks on any of the devices.
  If the attacker is able to obtain the link keys and the addressing of two communicating devices,he can launch a man-in-the-middle type of attack where all information is routed through the attcker's device.
   Attackers can also eavesdrop on devices that are pairing up for the first time.This will give the attacker sufficient information to use algorithm to guess the security key and pretend to be the other device.

  Securing your Bluetooth phone is easy.Take these few simple steps to ensure that your device is protected from Bluetooth attacks.
  1.  Switch off the Bluetooth when not using it.This will prevent unauthorised access for the most part.Only enable Bluetooth when you are actively transferring data from or to another device.
  2. Use a strong PIN code,one that is at least six to eight digits or longer.
  3. Many devices offer tons of features to maximise the usability of your Bluetooth connections.Review the documentation and disable all that are a security risk,and pay special attention to the security settings.Use encryption by default and only disable it if the device you are communicating with doesn't support it.
  4. Ensure that bluetooth is running in hidden mode.When you are pairing it with another device,like a headset,you will need to run it in discoverable mode.Do this in a secure location like inside your office or home.Once the link has been established,go back to hidden mode.If for some reason the pairing breaks when in a public place,wait till you are in a secure location before re-pairing the two devices.
      5.Be aware of where you are.If you are in an open,public place,it is best to disable bluetooth.Public  place,it is best to disable bluetooth.Public wireless hotspots are a favourite hangout of"bluejackers".

Monday, October 31, 2011


  Some of  us just remember our passwords ,even if they're as ridiculously uncrackable as "gb65endox",and even if  there are many of them to remember.Some of  us are naive enough to use passwords like "azsxdc", and have trouble remembering even  those! If you fall in the second category, forget it-someone's going to steal your data soon enough.No,seriously,what one needs is good, strong passwords,and password management software to keep them safe.
                                          A "strong" password is one that has a sufficient number of  characters-some say  anything over eight will do-and a mix of lower-case,upper-case,and special characters.On top of that,there's the issue of multiple passwords:if you set the same password for everything,there could be a problem.What if your Windows XP and your Gmail password are the same,and a friend of yours want to access your machine?
And then what if you gave him the password to your machine,and he went ahead and tried it on your gmail account as well?Multiple passwords are,therefore,important.And it's tough to remember multiple strong passwords-and that's where password management software come in,like we said.
   These are again a dime a dozen but they're not all bad.Again,i'am making no recommendations,and are just providing an example:for $19095 you can purchase TK8 safe,a relatively simple software,from
  With TK8,you can keep all usernames,passwords,secret notes and serial numbers in one secured database file.The file is,naturally.encrypted.
   You can use folders in your files to group information.In addition,you can log into password-protected Webpages automatically,The password file can be locked,and even if you forget to lock the file,the program does this automatically after it's inused for some time

Advanced options include multi-user support,additional  encryption methods,and automatic password backups.You can run the program directly fro removable media like USB stricks.This means you can literally carry all your passwords in your pocket.
                                                         Now, we didn't intend this to be an ad for TKS;our intention here is to tell you all that a password manager can do for you.More advanced software simply have more frills.


Back to your inbox:"get a replica Rolex cheap ."As you scroll through one after the other ridiculous offer,your catches something different.
   "Before i start,i must first apologise for this unsolicited mail to you......My US client,his wife and children were involved in a ghastly motor accident on such-and-such road in Nigeria....My reason for contacting you is to repatriate my client's money back to his home country.We need to transfer money into your bank account..."The mail goes on to explain how there are millions of dollars that this chap needs to transfer to your bank account and how to do this he'll need your account details.You will,of course,be rewarded handsomely for your services.
  Identify theft has figured as a criminal activity since time immemorial.clever thieves have always found that the best way to avoid being caught is to disguise themselves as someone else.and while they are impersonating.No one needs to be told how valuable one's credit card and bank account details are.But with more and more people using the internet for online transactions,there is a lot of personal information being shared with a host of companies.Spammers have found an effective way to cash in on this confidence to disclose one's personal information to legitimate sources-PHISHING
       Phishing is essentially a clever and illegal method used by"phishers"to extract personal information about internet users.This personal information may be in terms of credit card numbers,bank account details,passwords,and such.
   What phishers use is a technique called social engineering.basically,this means phishers know that people trust the word of someone who seems trustworthy.a phisher is thus able to gain the confidence of an individual by posing as someone from a seemingly trustworthy source.then,the phisher makes the person disclose personal information about himself,and then uses it to his benefit.
         However,phishers don't have to be that straightforward and in-your-face to gain the confidence of unsuspecting individuals.many phishers pose as a administrators of websites and request users to send in their passwords.other pose as bank executives and ask for your credit card details so you can reactivate your account,or something of that nature.
    A good example of phishing in recent times has been the paypal phishers.paypal(now under ebay)is an online transaction system.phishers have posted as paypal executives and requested people to disclose vital bank information.



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